The Case for Exceptions Part 5: Ignorance is not Bliss
Before I start looking at the drawbacks of exceptions, I want to go over some of the other benefits. To illustrate these benefits I’m going to use a simple function.
For this example, imagine we are developing some kind of client/server application. For security purposes we want to verify some data the server has sent us, and we might choose to do this by using some kind of public/private key encryption. Client side, therefore, we will need a function to get the public key. In the first version we could implement the function something like this:
#include <string>
\brief Get the public key used to verify server integrity
\param[out] out On return, populated with the key data
void get_public_key(std::string& out)
out =
"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n"
"-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n";
This is a slightly contrived example, and for now we’ll ignore the fact that
this might result in std::bad_alloc
being thrown, but it should serve the
purpose I intend in this post.
We’ll also ignore that this function could have been designed to just return
the string.
The code that uses this function is obvious, it would look something like this:
std::string public_key;
// verify the data using the key...
I’m a big believer in Agile, one of the beliefs of Agile is that it’s impossible to know all the requirements up front. When the code above was written, it was envisaged that there would be one instance of the application sold in a SaaS (software-as-a-service) style, however, it’s easy to imagine that the requirements change and we need to run multiple instances of the application. Since we don’t want the servers to share keys, we need to modify this function to read the key from some configuration instead of hard coding it 1.
Without exceptions the code might look something like this:
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
enum public_key_error_type
std::string get_public_key_filename();
\brief Get the public key used to verify server integrity
\param[out] out On return, populated with the key data
public_key_error_type get_public_key(std::string& out)
std::ifstream in;;
if (!in.is_open())
return error_opening_file;
std::stringstream buffer;
if (!(buffer << in.rdbuf()))
return error_reading_data;
const std::string header = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n";
const std::string footer = "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n";
std::string key = buffer.str();
if (key.length() < header.length() + footer.length())
return invalid_key;
if (key.substr(0, header.length()) != header)
return invalid_key;
if (key.substr(
key.length() - footer.length(),
footer.length()) != footer)
return invalid_key;
out = key;
return no_error;
The error checking on the key is a bit basic, but the key difference between this implementation and the old one is that it can now fail. Because this function fail where it didn’t before we must audit all the places where the function was called to ensure that they handle the error condition:
std::string public_key;
if (get_public_key(public_key) != no_error)
return false; // data is invalid
// verify the data using the key...
So why would exceptions make this better? In both cases (with and without exceptions), we probably need to audit the places where the function is used to make sure the error will be handled correctly. We may even need to make changes in both cases (although I would argue that it will always be necessary to modify calls to this function when using return values, but only sometimes be necessary with exceptions).
The difference is what happens when we accidentally forget to handle the error, and this is just one example of how this accidental omission might come about. The difference is that it is impossible to accidentally ignore an exception. Ignoring an exception must be a deliberate act, and is one that is easy to spot in code review. Ignoring a return value can be accidental, and can be easy to miss in code review.
The effect of ignoring the exception can be catastrophic for the program, it could result in a thread dying unexpectedly or the program aborting - these are obviously bad; but in my view preferable to the program blundering on in a potentially ill defined state. At the very least, with a few basic practices, it is possible to write handlers that will log what has happened to enable you to diagnose the error easily after the fact. Anyone who’s written a shell script knows it’s often preferable to stop when you encounter unexpected errors, and I believe the same is true of software in general.
There is another benefit that exceptions offer in this case.
With exceptions it is possible to propagate detailed information about the
error up the call stack.
In the above example, we could propagate the result of get_public_key_filename
to the site that reports the error to improve the quality of the error message
shown to the user.
std::ifstream in;
std::string key_file = get_public_key_filename();;
if (!in.is_open())
throw key_file_not_found_error(key_file);
std::string public_key;
// verify the data using the key...
catch(const key_file_not_found_error& error)
return false; // data is invalid
This leads us fairly naturally onto a wider discussion about the power of
exceptions to communicate information about the error.
In the above example we are throwing a key_file_not_found_error
, but the site
that handles the error might not care exactly what’s wrong with the key, maybe
it just prints “invalid key
struct bad_key_file_error : std::exception
explicit bad_key_file_error(const std::string& filename);
const std::string filename() const;
struct key_file_not_found_error : bad_key_file_error
explicit key_file_not_found_error(const std::string& filename);
now we can just catch bad_key_file_error
and know that we will handle all
errors that relate to a bad key file, even if they fall into a more specific
std::string public_key;
// verify the data using the key...
catch(const bad_key_file_error& error)
return false; // data is invalid
This also means that we can mix errors from difference sources, for example, we
could use std::ios::exceptions
to set the ifstream
to throw on error, and
propagate std::ios_base::failure
exceptions, while still maintaining the
ability to propagate our own error exceptions for invalid key formats.
Using return values we would need to translate errors at every stage into a
“unified” error code in order to avoid losing information about the type of
error that occurred.
With exceptions, functions that do not need to handle exceptions don’t need to do anything special in order to report errors to higher levels of the stack. This is important because as we discover new ways a function can fail, we can add new types to represent those exceptions without having to modify any code responsible for propagating the error.
Another benefit is that exceptions allow us to use the return value as
intended, to return the result of the function.
If we use exceptions for error handling, then we can just have get_public_key
return the key directly, instead of through an output parameter.
This allows us to simplify the code above to ensure that the public_key
variable is at all times initialised with a valid key.
std::string public_key = get_public_key(public_key);
// verify the data using the key...
catch(const bad_key_file_error& error)
return false; // data is invalid
This makes our code more readable, helps to strengthen our invariants, and allows us to avoid any dangers of leaving occasionally uninitialised variables lying around for mistakes to creep in later. We can also then use the result of the function directly as a parameter to another function, again, opening possibilities that allow us to make our code more readable.
return validate_data_using_public_key(
catch(const key_file_not_found& error)
return false; // data is invalid
In summary:
- It is impossible to accidentally ignore errors communicated via exceptions.
- Exceptions allow us to propagate more information about the error to the site that will handle it.
- Exceptions allow us to handle errors with the appropriate level of granularity (or abstraction) using inheritance and other object-oriented techniques.
- Exceptions allow us to mix errors from different sources without specialised code.
- When using exceptions, we can add new failure modes without modifying code that is responsible for propagating error information.
- Exceptions allow us to write functions with clean interfaces.
Next time we start on the problems with exceptions!
Obviously we should never have hard-coded the key in the first place, but firstly no-one writes perfect code all the time, and secondly the point I’m trying to illustrate is that the function changes from one that can never fail to one that can fail! ↩