The Case for Exceptions Part 6: The Wrong Way
Back in 2005 Raymond Chen of Microsoft 1 wrote a piece lamenting exceptions as making a hard problem harder. In this article I want to revisit his thoughts and see how they fit in with what we know 11 years later.
The first thing he gives us is a breakdown of how hard it is to write error handling code.
Really easy | Hard | Really hard |
Writing bad error-code-based code | Writing good error-code-based code | Writing good exception-based code |
Writing bad exception-based code |
Obviously, writing bad code is easy and writing good code is hard, but why does he believe exception based code is really hard?
It’s really hard to write good exception-based code since you have to check every single line of code (indeed, every sub-expression) and think about what exceptions it might raise and how your code will react to it
So Chen believes that you need to think about how every line of code might fail, and how the code will react to it. But in 2014, Jon Kalb gave a talk at cppcon where he said this is how he used to think about exceptions 2:
The Wrong Way
- Carefully check return values / error codes to detect and correct problems
- Identify functions that can throw and think about what to do when they fail
- Use exception specifications so the compiler can help create safe code
- Use try / catch blocks to control code flow
Kalb did not only say this the hard way to write exception safe code (as Chen had previously identified), he went as far as to say this is the wrong way to write exception safe code - that we must change how we think about the problem in order to solve it. If there is an easier way (and I believe there is), then all we have to do is to teach that easier way and we should be able to adjust Chen’s categorisation:
Really easy | Hard | Really hard |
Writing bad error-code-based code | Writing good error-code-based code | Writing good exception-based code with improper techniques |
Writing bad exception-based code | Writing good exception-based code with proper techniques |
Kalb offers a lot of advice in his talk, some of which we’ll look at later, but in essence he says we must “think structurally and maintain invariants”. In order to do this we must ensure that all code either offers the “no-throw guarantee” or the “basic exception guarantee”. The no-throw guarantee is obvious, the basic guarantee is as follows 3:
Basic exception safety guarantee: invariants are preserved and no resources are leaked.
We must also assume that all code can throw unless it explicitly states otherwise.
We’ve already talked about how exceptions can strengthen invariants, but what’s interesting about this guarantee is that everything it says also applies to error handling. We are not having to to work harder, we merely have to consider, for each point of the program, whether or not invariants are preserved or resources are leaked.
Chen provided a second table, which talks about how hard it is to recognise good and bad error handling code:
Really easy | Hard | Really hard |
Recognizing that error-code-based code is badly-written | Recognizing that error-code-base code is not badly-written | Recognizing that exception-based code is badly-written |
Recognizing the difference between bad error-code-based code and not-bad error-code-based code. | Recognizing that exception-based code is not badly-written | |
Recognizing the difference between bad exception-based code and not-bad exception-based code |
There are two concepts in this table, “bad code” and “not bad code”. Chen’s definition of “bad” code is code that makes no attempt to handle error conditions. His definition of “not bad” code is code that makes some attempt to handle error conditions, even if it is not actually correct.
He also offers some examples to support his case, which in my view are deliberately chosen to make exceptions look bad. The return code examples are obvious, and I won’t repeat them here as I’m sure you can imagine what a code snippet that does not examine return codes looks like as compared to one that does.
The example for exceptions is more interesting, but as I discussed in part 5 you cannot ignore an exception. By definition it is not possible to write exception based code that is as bad as the worst return value based code. It is, however, possible to make no effort to avoid leaking resources or preserving invariants - these are the cases we need to worry about, but remember, this is not unique to exception based code. We must always do these things in the face of errors.
So, let’s start by looking at Chen’s examples in more detail. First, the “bad” exception based code (I think it’s C#):
NotifyIcon CreateNotifyIcon()
NotifyIcon icon = new NotifyIcon();
icon.Text = "Blah blah blah";
icon.Visible = true;
icon.Icon = new Icon(GetType(), "cool.ico");
return icon;
and now the “good” exception based code:
NotifyIcon CreateNotifyIcon()
NotifyIcon icon = new NotifyIcon();
icon.Text = "Blah blah blah";
icon.Icon = new Icon(GetType(), "cool.ico");
icon.Visible = true;
return icon;
Wow, ok, that’s a subtle difference. The problem is that the notification can’t be made visible without a valid icon. Here’s why I think this is an unfair example. Both cases are just plain bad code and that is obvious. Why? Let me list the ways:
- The
interface does not maintain the invariants, it seems that it is invalid for aNotifyIcon
to exist without a valid icon - so why is it even permitted to be constructed in that state? - Encapsulation. The interface exposes the “properties” as though
is a simple data object, but it isn’t. - Untested. This code will fail 100% of the time, if this made it to production that means it isn’t tested at all.
Moreover, the error here has nothing to do with exceptions.
It’s a programming error, if we assume this is C# then we can also assume the
garbage collector will clean up the allocations so no resources can be leaked
and CreateNotifyIcon
does not modify any global state, or any data members, so
it cannot violate invariants.
In other words it appears to provide the basic exception guarantee in both
cases, which is all that is required of it.
Good news though! I can provide a better example, here is some bad exception handling code (this time in C++):
NotifyIcon *CreateNotifyIcon()
NotifyIcon *icon = new NotifyIcon();
icon->setText("Blah blah blah");
icon->setIcon(new Icon(GetType(), "cool.ico"));
return icon;
Super! So is it obvious to you what is wrong with this code?
We’ve used Chen’s “correct” version, so it won’t throw, right?
Well hang on - we said assume all code throws unless it specifies otherwise -
any of those setters could throw, and in that case we will certainly leak a
, and possibly even an Icon
To anyone who has been working with C++ for any reasonable part of their career this is, however, obviously wrong. RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialisation) is built into our bones, it is our bread and butter and it is not optional.
Here’s a better version:
std::unique_ptr<NotifyIcon> CreateNotifyIcon()
std::unique_ptr<NotifyIcon> icon(new NotifyIcon());
icon->setText("Blah blah blah");
new Icon(GetType(), "cool.ico")
return icon;
The mental check is easy: are resources uniquely (and immediately) assigned to RAII containers? If yes, it is “not-bad” code, if no, it is “bad” code.
At this point the observant will be crying out about invariants, and rightly so. Determining if invariants will hold is by far the hardest part of meeting the basic guarantee. I am not convinced, however, that this is much more difficult with exceptions than it is with return codes, we must consider the points at which the code can fail (remembering that all code can fail unless otherwise specified), and whether the invariants still hold at that position.
Thus, I present my own classification
Impossible | Easy | Hard |
Identifying code that ignores return value errors | Identifying return value code does not leak resources | |
Identifying return value code maintains invariants | ||
Accidentally ignoring exceptions | Identifying exception based code that can leak resources | Determining if exception based code maintains invariants |
In this classification it is evident that what is difficult is maintaining invariants. In the coming parts we will look at what good exception-based code that maintains invariants looks like.